This page is being set up for those seeking help in Eastington, Gloucestershire GL10 during the Coronavirus crisis. We all need a little help from time to time.
Things may take time to organise -please ask for help early if you think you may need it!!
The Eastington Coronavirus Volunteers helpline phone number is now closed – we have had no calls for some time as those needing help have found permanent solutions. Help is still available through Facebook : ‘Eastington Coronavirus Community Volunteers’ – and there are plenty of willing hands in Eastington.
You can also contact

Gloucestershire’s councils and partners created this community help hub to connect people and services offering or needing help. Information will be shared via Stroud District Council.
If you, or someone you know, needs help (or if you think you could help) please visit
and complete a simple form – or phone
01452 583 519
Monday to Friday between 8.30am and 5pm.
If you feel isolated, or have general health or other difficulties you can also contact
The Independence Trust Community Wellbeing service
on 03458 638 323
Monday-Friday 9 – 5